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STI Clinics Noida

Our Sexual Health Test Centres in Noida

Our STI Testing Medical Centres in Noida

Better2Know offers an excellent range of sexual health testing services in Uttar Pradesh. If you are in Noida and you think you may have a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) you should have your sexual health tested right away. If an STI is diagnosed early it can often be treated quickly and easily.

If you are worried about whether or not you have an infection, our health practitioners understand what you are going through. Our unparalleled service is dedicated to providing you with accurate sexual health testing in the fastest time possible. If your test reveals that you have an STI, do not worry; our Better2Know health professional can provide you with a referral to one of our leading medical partners who will provide you with the very best treatment available.

By choosing Better2Know you will benefit from a very easy and straightforward STI testing process. When you arrive at our health centre our friendly health practitioner will simply take a sample for your STI test. This sample will usually be a small amount of your blood, urine or a swab depending on the type of STI test that you have requested.

As soon as the laboratory has tested your sample and your results become available, Better2Know will contact you discreetly. If your sample does indicate an infection, we will ensure that you are given access to the right treatment and excellent care from one of our partner specialists.

STI and HIV Testing in Noida

Better2Know's excellent sexual health testing service will give you access to all our top of the range sexual health screens. Some of the Better2Know STI tests have been carefully grouped together to provide our patients with the most comprehensive results about their sexual health quickly, and with maximum convenience. When you choose our Platinum Screen for example, you will be able to test for 12 different STIs after having just one appointment with us.

The Platinum Screen can help you learn whether or not you may have contracted STIs or other infections including HIV, Rubella, Hepatitis A, B and C, Cytomegalovirus, Toxoplasma, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 and Syphilis. We also include a Urine Culture which detects for non-sexually transmitted infections that might be causing you concern. A Urine Culture is particularly useful if your test results come back negative for STIs, but you still have symptoms that might be caused by another infection.

Book your STI and HIV test in Noida today

To book a Better2Know test and give yourself peace of mind about your sexual health, click the 'Book Now' button. As soon as they are ready, your results will be available to view securely and privately online.